Author: rmt

Dr. Rachel M. Theodore receives NIH LRP from the NICHD

Dr. Theodore has been awarded an NIH LRP award from the NICHD. From the NIH, “the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The escalating costs of advanced education and training in medicine and clinical specialties are forcing some scientists to abandon their research careers for higher-paying private industry or private practice careers. Since tomorrow’s medical breakthroughs will be made by investigators starting in their research careers today, the LRPs represent an important investment by NIH in the future of health discovery and the wellbeing of the Nation.”

The title of her grant is “Accommodation of phonetic variability in individuals with speech and language disorders.” Congratulations!

Paper accepted at Cognition

Be on the lookout for a new paper to appear in Cognition! The title is “Language exposure facilitates talker learning prior to language comprehension, even in adults.” This work was completed in collaboration with Mr. AJ Orena and Dr. Linda Polka at McGill University.

Katlyn Salvador featured in Inside CLAS

katlyn-salvador-2Kate has been featured in this month’s issue of Inside CLAS, which highlights outstanding students from the Class of 2015.  Kate has been a member of the SLaP Lab since her sophomore year, receiving three competitive awards to fund her Honors research, which is soon to be submitted for publication. Congratulations, Kate!

M.A. defense: Shayna R. Marmon

marmon_websiteShayna Marmon successfully defended her M.A. thesis today. The title of her thesis is “Gradient effects of reading ability on talker-specific perceptual learning.” She joined the UConn SLaP Lab as a undergraduate and Dr. Theodore has enjoyed watching her develop as a scholar and a clinician!

SLaP Lab students present at Frontiers

The SLaP Lab was well represented today at the annual Frontiers in Undergraduate Research symposium sponsored by the UConn Office for Undergraduate Research. Katlyn Salvador, Emily Thompson, and Lisa Brody (co-advised by Dr. Erika Skoe) presented their Honors thesis projects, and John Gerrity, Jr. presented his research conducted with Dr. Marie Coppola (PSYC/LING). Bravo, all!


M.A. defense: Minal A. Kadam

minal_websiteMinal Kadam successfully defended her M.A. thesis today. The title of her thesis is “Gradient effects of reading ability on native and non-native talker identification.” She conducted her thesis in theUConn SLaP Lab under the direction of Dr. Rachel M. Theodore. Congratulations!

M.A. defense: Kelly A. Casey

kelly_adultKelly Casey successfully defended her M.A. thesis today. The title of her thesis is “Effects of auditory and visual variability on word learning in children: A pilot study.” Kelly has been a member of the SLaP Lab since her undergraduate days at UConn, and Dr. Theodore is sad that her time here is coming to an end. Mazel tov, Kelly – wishing you all the best in your future career!